Category: Community

  • Putting Children back to first priority

    Putting Children back to first priority

    I am really pleased that Andy Western – leader of Trafford Council has made the comments I’m sharing below. It’s something I’ve been uncomfortable with since the outset of the first lockdown. I was never happy that schools were shut down. With hindsight, I can see we needed a pause to get on top of…

  • Happy New Year to you all

    Happy New Year to you all

    A few predictions for this time of year seems to be the tradition. I’m optimistic. Covid I think we’re going to have a difficult few weeks with covid but spring is going to look so much better for those who keep up their vaccination. It will never go away but we’ll find it far more…

  • Amey and Trafford’s relationship is up for Review

    Amey and Trafford’s relationship is up for Review

    The Amey One Trafford Partnership has been a feature of life in Trafford for the last six and a half years and we’re coming up to the 7 year review. So whether you’re itching to get Amey out of your life, or happy to move forward together, councillor scrutiny of the contract has commenced. 7…

  • Good Strategy, Implementation when? Ever?

    Good Strategy, Implementation when? Ever?

    Two very different reports approved by Trafford within days

  • Embracing our shops

    Embracing our shops

    Local shops define neighbourhoods. Let’s make more of their contribution.

  • Covid-19 Vaccination Progress

    Covid-19 Vaccination Progress

    This has been a big issue for me. To be honest, I’ve ruffled a few feathers and got a ticking off at this month’s Labour group meeting, but hey-ho. In the wealthy belt across the south of the borough the GPs seem to have worked through the cohorts at breakneck speed, way ahead of the…